Friday, June 24, 2011

My first venture into Full Reds

(The red likely colour enhanced with a different colour enhancer)

Red discus has always been a favourite of many hobbyist. Recently, the full reds have become a sight to behold. Also, they have been giving the LSS a run for their money in recent competitions, obviously led by my good friend Ricky Lim(Multiple Grandchampion/Malaysia). His reds are in a different league!

I too took a plunge into breeding reds, late last year. Two pcs were a gift from a friend while another was bought from a local breeder. The following are some pictures of them.

(Due to a different diet, you see the gradually change in the red tone)

The above pictures were taken when they were about 4 inches. When I took over the reds they were full red but because I don't really colour feed my discus, the redness ceased alot. Nevertheless, I was not worried as I knew the pedigree of the reds I had.

The female on the right of the picture was of a different linage which I chanced upon. Within weeks, I paired them up and soon they produced a batch. From the pictures, you can see that the red colour has changed yet again because tetra bits were included in their diet.

This pair just took off and are very caring parents. Hope to attain a good stock from this pair!